Friday, June 29, 2007

Family! (argh)

My dad phoned me last night. He wanted to know how I made my tapioca pudding (one of the things he and I have in common is a like for desserts like that). He didn't quite believe I used the recipe on the Minit Tapioca box, but a few minute's conversation left him feeling able to take it on. Once we had crossed the making of tapioca pudding hurdle, we continued chatting ... the standard 'What's new' kind of stuff.

I thought long and hard, and finally decided to tell him about 'Betty'. (Yes, my new male kitten has a name now: he is Betty.) I knew what the reaction would be, but decided to give Dad the benefit of a doubt and told him.

The reaction was overwhelmingly negative (anticipated) and mildly disdainful (typical). The conversation rather degenerated after that, and I brought it to a close before he had totally overset my pleasure at no longer being the only living and breathing thing in my house. My friends are happy for me with my new kitten: my family sees it as a yet another action of the greatest folly and stupidity.

I wish interactions with my family did not always end with me feeling badly about myself and my life, but they do--and I do not think that will ever change. I wish it did not sadden me quite as much as it does.

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