Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Cold nose

This morning I woke up to a cold nose, and it was quite delicious. The experience was not quite as transcendent as my cold nose of a couple of weeks ago (probably because it was a work day, and not a Sunday).

That Sunday was the best 'waking up' that I had had in a long time. It was just after dawn and the birds were doing their morning song thing. I was cuddled up in an incredibly cozy litle cucoon of warmth, with only my head poking out from under the covers. I just lay there, breathing in the cool, fresh air and listening to the birds. I snuggled into my covers, closed my eyes and just listened and breathed for about 20 minutes (maybe longer ... I am not sure ... I was just revelling in the deliciousness of it).

I then opened my eyes and just looked around; still snuggling and being very conscious of my breaths and how the cold air felt. From the center of the ceiling I could see a fairly largish spider letting itself down on a thread. It went on for quite some time (nearly 3 feet), and then he or she slowly climbed back up to the ceiling and headed off toward a far wall. I lost sight of it. After I lost sight of the spider, I finally convinced myself to get up.

This morning was not quite the same: no spider, no birds, and the morning traffic into Ottawa was already in noisy full force. I knew I had to roust myself to get up to my office and start working, so I did not have the luxury of reveling: but I still had a cold nose and cold fresh breaths, and a very warm and cozy bed.

Even better, the neighbour has finally figured out his car alarm. Life is good.

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