Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sunday was a good day

Some days for me are just good days. I never know quite why: whether it is a better night’s sleep (bad sleep patterns is another ‘hidden symptom’ of the MS), the weather or the phase of the moon. This past Sunday was a good day.

I woke up pretty early (around 5:30 am) and wrote my last blog entry (which took a good deal of time and thought; that was not an easy piece to write, and I am still uncomfortable about it). I then had coffee and breakfast, and feeling pretty good, I started in on the chores.

I oiled 2 of the 3 pieces of wooden furniture in my garden (the table and one of the 2 chairs). I swept off the patio. I did 2 loads of laundry and a load of dishes. I did a complete clean up around the cat’s litter box area. I rewired the lamp I had bought at a junk shop for $10 on my shopping mojo day about a month ago. I deadheaded most of the plants in my garden. I installed a new VCR/DVD unit and programmed all my timer recordings into it. I cleaned and oiled the buffet (1920’s, walnut veneer over ash) that belonged to my grandmother. I collected up all the cat toys Betty had scattered in various nooks and crannies throughout the house and put them into an easily accessed basket for him. I made a potato salad, and sloppy joes. I turned the old VCR/DVD box into a lined cat bed. I made 8 new cat toys (some more appreciated than others).

About this time I decided to take it easy: it was about 5:30 in the afternoon. Dinner, and then I fell asleep.

1 comment:

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André Benjamim